Welcome to Westmont Tennis Online!

This is the first site dedicated to reuniting ex-Westmont Tennis players, Westmont Tennis Fans and current Westmont players/coaches. My brother Bryn Mercado (2005) and I (2002) are creating this site to serve as a great networking tool for everyone, as well as a way to keep up with the current season.

Our vision for this website is for it to connect anybody that has an affiliation with Westmont tennis; a place where we can share old photos, new photos, videos, stories, inspiration, testimonials, and interact with the current Westmont team.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tennis Quote

"I have always considered tennis as a combat in an arena between two gladiators who have their racquets and their courage as their weapons."
-Yannick Noah

Monday, September 24, 2007

Under Construction

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are currently working on this website so be patient. It will take us a while to get it the way we want it to be, but this is what we are working with as of now. We believe the finished project will be a tremendous tool for the Westmont Tennis Program in a variety of ways. Please contact Shea (westmontshea@gmail.com) or myself (bryn.mercado@gmail.com) for ideas that you'd like to share.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Thanks for checking in on our progress here. My brother, Bryn, and I, are excited to finally get the ball rolling on this site. Please pass on the URL to anyone you think would enjoy keeping up with the Westmont Men's Tennis team.

Hopefully, old friends reconnect with each other, the team, or even make new acquaintances from other Westmont eras. Contact myself (westmontshea@gmail.com) or Bryn (bryn.mercado@gmail.com) with any comments or suggestions, as all are welcome.